تحميل المجلة الاكترونية عدد 1079

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أغرب 40 صورة من التاريخ... تخيّلوا كيف ستكون صورنا بعد 100 عام؟؟

2-Unpacking the head of the Statue of Liberty 1885

2-Unpacking the head of the Statue of Liberty 1885

3-Elvis in the Army 1958

3-Elvis in the Army 1958

4-Animals being used as part of medical therapy 1956

4-Animals being used as part of medical therapy 1956

5-Testing of new bulletproof vests 1923

5-Testing of new bulletproof vests 1923

6-Charlie Chaplin at age 27 1916

6-Charlie Chaplin at age 27 1916

7-Hindenburg Disaster May 6 1937

7-Hindenburg Disaster May 6 1937

8-Circus hippo pulling a cart 1924

8-Circus hippo pulling a cart 1924

9-Annette Kellerman promotes womens right to wear a fitted one piece bathing suit 1907 She was arrested for indecency

9-Annette Kellerman promotes womens right to wear a fitted one piece bathing suit 1907 She was arrested for indecency

10-Annie Edison Taylor the first person to survive going over Niagara Falls in a barrel 1901

10-Annie Edison Taylor the first person to survive going over Niagara Falls in a barrel 1901

11-106 year old Armenian Woman guards home 1990

11-106 year old Armenian Woman guards home 1990

12-Baby cages used to ensure that children get enough sunlight and fresh air when living in an apartment building ca 1937

12-Baby cages used to ensure that children get enough sunlight and fresh air when living in an apartment building ca 1937

13-The original Ronald McDonald 1963

13-The original Ronald McDonald 1963

14-Disneyland Employee Cafeteria in 1961

14-Disneyland Employee Cafeteria in 1961

15-Advertisement for Atabrine anti malaria drug in Papua New Guinea during WWII

15-Advertisement for Atabrine anti malaria drug in Papua New Guinea during WWII

16-Soldier shares a banana with a goat during the battle of Saipan ca 1944.

16-Soldier shares a banana with a goat during the battle of Saipan ca 1944.

17-Little girl with her doll sitting in the ruins of her bombed home London 1940

17-Little girl with her doll sitting in the ruins of her bombed home London 1940

18-Construction of the Berlin wall 1961

18-Construction of the Berlin wall 1961

19-Unknown soldier in Vietnam 1965

19-Unknown soldier in Vietnam 1965

20-Bookstore in London ruined by an air raid 1940

20-Bookstore in London ruined by an air raid 1940

21-Walter Yeo one of the first to undergo an advanced plastic surgery and a skin transplant 1917

21-Walter Yeo one of the first to undergo an advanced plastic surgery and a skin transplant 1917

22-Suntan vending machine 1949

22-Suntan vending machine 1949

23-Measuring bathing suits if they were too short women would be fined 1920

23-Measuring bathing suits if they were too short women would be fined 1920

24-Martin Luther King with his son removing a burnt cross from their front yard 1960

24-Martin Luther King with his son removing a burnt cross from their front yard 1960

25-Hotel owner pouring acid in the pool while black people swim in it ca 1964

25-Hotel owner pouring acid in the pool while black people swim in it ca 1964

26-Lifeguard on the coast 1920

26-Lifeguard on the coast 1920

27-Artificial legs UK ca 1890

27-Artificial legs UK ca 1890

28-Mom and son watching the mushroom cloud after an atomic test Las Vegas 1953

28-Mom and son watching the mushroom cloud after an atomic test Las Vegas 1953

29-Mother hides her face in shame after putting her children up for sale Chicago 1948

29-Mother hides her face in shame after putting her children up for sale Chicago 1948

30-Austrian boy receives new shoes during WWII

30-Austrian boy receives new shoes during WWII

31-Hitlers officers and cadets celebrating Christmas 1941

31-Hitlers officers and cadets celebrating Christmas 1941

32-Christmas dinner during Great Depression turnips and cabbage

32-Christmas dinner during Great Depression turnips and cabbage

33-The real Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin ca 1927

33-The real Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin ca 1927

34-Last prisoners of Alcatraz leaving 1963

34-Last prisoners of Alcatraz leaving 1963

35-Melted and damaged mannequins after a fire at Madam Tussauds Wax Museum in London 1930

35-Melted and damaged mannequins after a fire at Madam Tussauds Wax Museum in London 1930

36-A space chimp posing to camera after a successful mission to space 1961

36-A space chimp posing to camera after a successful mission to space 1961

37-Illegal alcohol being poured out during Prohibition Detroit 1929

37-Illegal alcohol being poured out during Prohibition Detroit 1929

38-Princeton students after a freshman vs sophomores snowball fight 1893

38-Princeton students after a freshman vs sophomores snowball fight 1893

39-A beautiful suicide

39-A beautiful suicide

40-First morning after Sweden changed from driving on the left side to driving on the right 1967

40-First morning after Sweden changed from driving on the left side to driving on the right 1967

1-Woman With A Gas Resistant Pram England 1938

1-Woman With A Gas Resistant Pram England 1938

قبل 100 عام لم تكن الصور على ما نعرفها اليوم... تخيّلوا  كيف ممكن أن تكون صورنا بعد مئة عام؟

المجلة الالكترونية

العدد 1079  |  تشرين الثاني 2024

المجلة الالكترونية العدد 1079